Thursday, May 24, 2007

San Juan (Day 2)

I made it a goal to try and blog every night, but here I am this morning sitting in bed looking out the window (actually the picture on the left is my current view) and blogging a day later. But its no big deal I guess because Im on vacation so I can slack a little.

In my first blog I said I would post pictures of our lovely room in 801 so here they are below:

Yesterday started out very early. JC and I woke up around 7:30ish and kind of lounged around before deciding to head down to the beach and get sun for a little bit. We had looked at the weather for San Juan for the week and it said that it was going to be thunder storms but we were excitied to see that it was beautiful outside when we went down to the beach. Sunny and felt like 90 degrees. We setup shop under a nice little umberlla on the beach and watched the waves( if you would even call them that) before running into the water. The water was the perfect temp. (not too cold, where your balls freeze off and not too warm, where it feels like you just swam into a kiddie pool and all the little kids pee'd at once) and JC and I swam around for a little bit and decided to get lunch.

Lunch was from another Spanish restaurant which was walking distance from the hotel. It was GREAT. I ordered Chicken and rice and beans (i (heart) rice and beans here) and a strawberry freepe (with liquer). I have to say that I love spanish food a lot. I think the thing im going to miss the most when I leave here is the food. Im going to have to learn how to cook it all or find a nice Puerto Rican friend (and I know DY has a few) to hook me up.

We took a trip to our roof top deck and decided to take some pictures from up there (which are the pictures above) and plan out what we wanted to do for the rest of the day. We decided that we wanted to take a trip to the Bacardi run factory, so after a quick google map search and shower we changed and were on our way.

Google Maps said it would take us around 15min to get to the factory so we were happy that it was close. BUT when we got on the road it was far from happy. We got lost a LOT becuse Puerto Rico doesnt like to put exit numbers on their traffic signs, google maps doesnt put complete directions, and we are driving in a foreign place. So two hours later we show up at the Bacardi factory, annoyed to find out that the last tour was at 4:15 and it was 4:45 when we got there. But we wanted to get something out of the trip so we just headed over to the store and stocked up on some rum (peach, razz, limon, gold). After that whole ordeal we just wanted to head back to our room and find some drink reciepes so we could drink our problems away (hahaha not really but any excuse to drink)

We traveled to Old San Juan for dinner at this "modern" spanish restaurant. Back at home in NYC, JC and I usually check menu pages before we pick a place to eat so we can see the menu, look at prices, and read restaurant reviews. Since there isnt a menu pages for San Juan we are stuck having to use Yahoo Travel reviews. The reveiws are helpful but we cant see things on the menu or really get a gauge of the price. The place we chose seemed like a cool place for the price. It was around two dollar signs (which was cool because yesterdays restaurant was three dollar signs). This was our first time going through Old San Juan and it was awesome. All the buildings are beautiful and the roads are cobble stone. The only thing was that parking SUCKED ass and there was a lack of street signs. But eventually we made it to our restaruant. Dinner was GREAT again. It was not AS good as the night before but still really good (except the new world caesar). The only problem was that this restaurant was NOT a two dollar sign restaurant. It was DEF. a four dollar sign restaurant (which isnt a bad thing because the food was great). JC and I decided that we would stop using Yahoo Travel because they werent too accurate and only put the popular high end restuarants. And we want authentic food for a good price!

After dinner we stopped by the grocery store and picked up some juice to stepup our mini bar (to the left) and came back to the hotel and set up shop. We planned to head over to a casino but after about 3 drinks we decided to stay in the room and call it a night.
Today looks like another grat day in San Juan. JC and I are about to head down and get some food and then take a trip to the beach.

My spanish words of the day were: Proxima Salida and Maxima.

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