Tuesday, May 1, 2007

I'll Take It Back To The Start......

Soundtrack: Nelly Furtado- Afraid

I have finally taken the leap and have decided to take my blog from myspace over here to blogspot. I kind of like the idea of having a blog on an actual blog site. And plus I was really anexious to conform. Conforming is like the new '07? (or is that black people)
I had made up my mind for weeks that I was going to make a blog here but for weeks I avoided it and kept having "things" come up or reasons why I would never start. I thought I was just being lazy but there was definitely something more to it which is the topic that I have chosen to post my first blog on.

Expression..... How do you express yourself in a blog that has the ability to be broadcasted to millions on the internet. (really im sure this blog will be read by like 10 people but hey dream big right?) There are soo many different sides to me that I use for different situations. Now this isnt saying that Im not myself or im being "fake", but its just how much of myself I am willing to let go around certain people.

So here comes the dilema. How should I express all the sides to me in a blog where someone could stumble across it and only know one side? How can I be completey honest but reserved at the same time?

Its funny because I dont have answers to these questions. But this blog will be a great platform to express myself and help me find the balance that I am searching for. I hope that the progression from each posts gets me to a place where I can write what I want and not feel so censored.

I named this blog "tip of my tongue" because I want to write what comes to my mouth and have it go done unedited (count the number of typos). I say things that some people might find rude or mean, but hey thats me. I can find humor in all things in life, which I plan to share. This blog will be whatever comes thought comes to mind that I feel that I should post. Hopefully the thoughts come more frequently. But who knows........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you're hot