Sunday, May 6, 2007

Out Of Control Oliver

Soundtrack: Sliver Chair- Ana's Song (Open Fire)

Yesterday was Cinco De Mayo and in true Cinco De Mayo style DY and I decided to map out a few places in the city that were celebrating. We picked a restaurant,two bars on the east side, and a friend's Cinco De Mayo party in Harlem. I started out the morning with JC taking shots of tequila. And from there it was down hill. Huge 24oz big drink at brunch, 3 margaritas (acutally big tequila shots) at the first bar, Corona and vodka shots(never again) at the second bar, and numerous shots( like I have no idea how many) at the house party. After almost 12 hours of drinking I cant believe I was even standing (well I heard I was actually crawling at various pints in the night). This morning hearing all the things that I did/said I have come made a few decisions about drinking.

My friends that know me can all tell you that I have a different personality when I drink. They call me "DRUNKY POO CHAD" because its like im not even myself. Im loud, over the top, basically just out of control. Once I start drinking my judgement for when I should cut off completely goes away. And I get to a point where its not any good. Last week I went out around 3 or 4 times and all of those times I was completely trashed. And the next morning I feel a little bad having to go to work or just get out of bed with a massive hangover.
When I heard the stories from last night I was completely embrassed. Esp. about my actions at the party in Harlem. I was in a situation where I only knew 3 or 4 people out of about 15. Everyone else who didnt know me last night saw this side of me thats not great. I hate that thats the first impression they have of me.

I havent decided to completely stop drinking alcohol BUT I have decided that I dont want to get THAT drunk ever again (well only on holidays and special occasions). I want to have like a drink or two and present myself in a way that is respectible. JC and I have decided not to drink any alchol until we head off to Puerto Rico in about 2 weeks. Im hoping I can stick with it. We are pretty good about sticking to rules we set for ourselves.( we decided to stop drinking sodas, also we are practicing being GREEN (or going green)).

So if you ran into me last night and yu are reading this, I apologize. But Im about to enter into my personal rehab. Wish me luck!

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