Tuesday, May 22, 2007

San Juan (Day 1)

Today JC and I finally made it to San Juan Puerto Rico. We left Florida around 8:20 this morning and touched ground around 11:20. I have been to Puerto Rico before (well lived here for about 3 years when I was younger) but today was different because it was my first "big boy" vacation. The first vacation I had to take off work for and pay for by myself. This is my first trip with JC so I was super excited about that.

After we landed in San Juan (and waited like 30min for our bags to get to the baggage claim) we went to pickup our rental car and we were off to check into our hotel. We are staying at the San Juan Water and Beach Club. We arrived at our hotel around 12 and found out we were too early to check in. But we realized that all the bad reviews we had read about this place were wrong because this place was HOT.

Since we were both hungry we decided to get out and walkaround and find some food. Near our hotel there were a couple of fast food restaurants and we ended up at a fast food restaurant. I didnt dare to order when we got up to the register, so I made JC brush up on his rusty spanish skills and tell the cashier that we wanted fried chicken, french fries, mac-n-cheese, and a brownie. After we finished up lunch we took a walk along the beach and scoped out the sites. We found a bar right off the ocean and decided to get our drink on (coronas and dos equis; when in Rome). Because it still wasnt check in time JC and I decided to find some beach chairs in front of the hotel and chill out.

When it was finally time to check into our room we were super excited because we were both worn out and wanted to take a quick nap. When we got to our room a door man brought our luggage up and he left.We didnt tip him. We didnt even know we should or how much (im from the south and im not used to high end hotels I guess) but after a quick google search we decided that next time we saw him we were going to give him a few bucks (lucky he turned out to be our valet guy). The room is super awesome. Very modern, nice view of the ocean (I can lay in the bed and open the curtains and see the water!) I will have pictures tomorrow when the room isnt as messy!

We finished up our naps (well "naps") and decided to get some food. I dont remember the name of the restaurnt(because it was in spanish) but the food was GOOOOOD! I had some of the best rice and beans I have ever had in my life. (not to take away anything for the amazing rice and beans JC makes). Speaking of which I totally have some left over steak in the fridge that im thinking about eating after this blog. If this is what Puerto Rican food is going to be like all week, im going to be doin the damn thing on the CTD tip. Dinner was followed by a few drinks and a night trip to the beach (which was interupted by bugs. ick!)

Puerto Rico day 1 was great. Im looking forward to exploring the city more, practicing some spanish (pare, was my word of the day), spending time on the beach, and eating amazing dinners. I will be updating some more tomorrow but right now im going to join JC, with some much needed rest.


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