Sunday, December 7, 2008

But As Long As You Love Me So....

Soundtrack: Kelly Clarkson- My Grown Up Christmas List

Last night was the first sort of snow fall we had for the season. Well let me start with some background of my "relationship" with the snow.

Ever since I have moved to NYC, I havent really been a fan of the snow. Actually looking back (to when I lived at other places) I dont ever know if I have really been a fan of snow. I think the only attraction was that I loved having snow days, when we wouldnt go to school and we were basically just stuck in the house. That was the only reason I think I really liked the snow.

Here in NYC, when it snows its more of a hassle than anything else. There isnt a "snow day" where you stay home and no one goes to school or work (well except the people that commute in from Jersey, etc.). Having to walk through the slush, having your clothes get soaked and then freezing because of the water, is less than ideal. Its almost just a waste. All the perks of the snow fall are basically stripped away and you are left stomping through the snow just to get to work looking a mess.

But like I said last night was the first snow fall of the year, and there is just something about that first taste of snow, that for a second I forget about all of the above and am like a kid that wants to run outside, plop down and create a snow angel. I have been saying that it doesnt feel like the holidays, but last night for the first time this holiday season, I looked around and saw the snow falling on a christmas tree stand and the lights strung up outside an apt building shinning through the breaks of the snow, I finally felt like Christmas is around the corner.

I woke up this morning and nothing really had stuck, but some patches in the grassy areas (which isnt much in the city). But just from that little taste last night, Im ready to decorate my apt for Christmas, burn my oil candle (pine scent) and put on my favorite pop xmas mix (has anyone heard Kelly Clarkson's Grown Up Xmas List?).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It doesn't count as the first snowfall until it STICKS to the ground!