Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Reality vs. Hollywood

So I never recapped about San Juan, and im not going to. But you can recap the trip by reading the blogs below and picking out your favorite moments, that way its more personalized.

Soundtrack: Backstreet Boys- Larger Than Life

So I work as a publicist for an entertainment company in New York City( I would say which one but I just read this whole article about blogging rules and listing your job wasnt a good idea). Part of my job here is to keep up with some of our clients by reading newspapers, weekly magazines (star, people, life and style, etc.) and checking blogs. Its a good idea in my field to keep yourself in the "know" so you are aware whats going on in the world (of hollywood that is). I mean its just like if I worked for an accounting firm I would read the wall street journal or Forbes to keep up with the industry. Before I started working here, I was you average celebrity fan. Meaning I kept up with some of them if I was watching TV and thought it was cool to see them out in public. I wasnt over the top with it to the point where I would track their every move and send them fan mail or anything but I had an interest.

Since I have started working here, I have a sad obession about reading what these celebrities are doing. Its weird because a part of me couldnt really care less since I started working here (like I see these "celebrities" out a parties and im hardly phased by it, all i care about is free drinks and food). But I do have this addiction to reading about thier lives. I check the celeb blogs (perezhilton, pinkisthenew blog, tmz, but NOT mediatakeout) almost everyday and like three times. I feel like I want to see what Britney is doing next, what Paris is doing in jail, or how life is treating Lindsay in rehab. I cant explain this addiction. And Im starting to dream about it.

Last weekend I had two different dreams about "hollywood" life. The first dream started off with me at my office and Im working like regular. And then I decide to go down the hall and watch Justin Timberlake get ready for his concert at Madison square garden. When I get there I run into his dancers and start chatting with them and they tell me to go further down the hall and look at Britney Spears because she was practicing for a club tour date. So I go down the hall and into a room which was a big concert venue and Britney was on stage. She was performing "Do Somethin'" and brought a guy up on stage and was like "You guys wanna see something hot" and so she goes this crazy leg grab thing and lifts her leg over her head. And the people watching went nuts. And then one Darren (from Darren's dance grooves) was like she lives off the crowd. So anyways then Britney takes it to the next level and stands next to the guy picks her leg up, reaches it around the guys shoulder and makes him lick her stilletto. When she does that the crowd goes wild and JT comes out. He looks at her and says "She Is Trying To Bring It Tonight", and thats when I wake up............

The next night I had another "hollywood" dream. That dream started out at an outdoor Arena at an American Idol tour. Sanjaya was about to go on stage and the crowd started going CRAZY. Right as he started to run down to the stage, I tranformed into him. But the funny thing is that MY Sanjaya character had lipstick (hmph). Anyways when I finally made it to the stage I became a member of the Backstreet Boys who were on thier come back tour. I was still Sanjaya but another memeber of BSB. Anyways we were debuting a new cover of a Keane song that somewhere only we know. I started the song off and sang the first verse. I was off the chain. So good I remeber taking my ear piece out cause I didnt need it. After we were done the crowd rushed the stage and I became a bouncer blocking everyone and then I woke up.

I had another one but I forgot to wirte it down. I think its crazy how much I read about these celebrities that I start dreaming about them. But I guess they make for fun dreams.

One more thing about my job that I feel like I should comment on is the fact that people think you are bragging when you say you work with celebrities. When I first started working in entertainment PR i would tell people some of the client I worked with and I could tell by the look on their face that they thought I was bragging (and that they kinda felt like i was better than them). So know when I tell people what I do, I say PR. And if they ask for more information I say entertainment. So that way I dont have to disclose my client listing and not make things akward......

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