Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Is The New......

Soundtrack: Amy Winehouse- Back To Black

So this maybe a random blog post (maybe even more random because I havent posted in some time and I come back with this rant) but I never really thought about how much I am in love with the color black until like 15min ago. (And today is Black Friday....)

So now you are probably thinking, how can I be so quick to have such a love affair with the color black when this idea only came about 15min ago (im cheating on blue btw). Well its simple. Black says sooo much more than any color in my opinion.

Black by definition, is the color of objects that do not emit or reflect light in any part of the visible spectrum. Now on first read of that definition, one might think black is kinda bland and dull. But if you think about it Black absorbs all frequncies of light, which to me makes it that much more powerful.


Ive thought on numerous occasions that I could go a full year and wear all black. Ive wanted to but that would probably cost more money than Im willing to spend. When I say all black I dont mean in the goth sense, dont get me wrong I like color but I would want black to be the primary with hints of color thrown in. Whenever Im wearing black I feel so badass, sleek, sometimes sexy, and like I can take on the world (so what if I cant, but at least I feel badass enough to the point where I think I could). Black is a color I can wear and never feel out of style in (even if Im wearing a pair of black acid wash jeans)

Black just has this power of expressing how you feel and look. A lot of people wear black when they are depressed, black when they want to look slim, black when they want to look formal. It can be color to represent your rebel side or a color that fits you into the crowd. Its understated and yet so bold.

Plus our next president is going to be black. And isnt the president the most powerful guy is the country? I mean I might as well jump on the bandwagon now. (Okay this part is a joke)

So after 15 years of blue being my favorite color, Im formally announcing that my new favorite color (or lack there of) is Black.